Where can you find a thousand dancing Indians and a hundred elephants dressed in gold? A colony of traders still living on the same street since the 15th century? The most diverse and lush of all India's states, Kerala is rich in the history of this vast sub-continent.
Along with its temple elephant festivals, Kerala is also famous for its tranquil backwaters, where boatmen gently navigate houseboats through waterways girded with palm trees. Villages line the banks of these peaceful inland passages, and local children run along the lush green shoreline, calling out to the tourists on board.
An idyllic cruise on the backwaters of the Arabian Sea -- pond herons swoop and perch on the fields of water hyacinth while you savor delicious "catch of the day" dishes prepared by your on-board chef, and watch local village life gently glide by -- truly a relaxing hiatus from an otherwise energetic Indian tour.
Explore Kerala on these itineraries or call to plan your
private journey.