"The center of high snow mountains;
the source of great rivers;
a lofty country,
a pure land."
- unknown Tibetan poet
On the Roof of the World. Locked away for centuries, Tibet has always held a unique place in the human imagination, conjuring an unearthly realm beyond our reach. What causes our enduring fascination with Tibet? Surely its inaccessibility, mysterious gompas, lunar landscape and tenacious people transfix us. In this isolated land cut off from the world for all but the last century, beauty and strangeness appear in equal measure. Frozen peaks and windy flatlands constitute the landscape of this high desert plateau. Beneath an often crystal-blue sky, the Tibetan people exist in a medieval world. Since the occupation by the Chinese, their endurance has been tested both physically and spiritually. Yet despite the hardships of their daily lives, Tibetans remain tolerant and good-humored. Your encounters with these hardy people will leave you with a profound respect for the culture that binds man and women to the cosmos with such generosity of spirit.
The annals of great travel writing are full of the accounts of early explorers, dazzled by what they saw. Father Desideri, Abbe Huc, Csoma de Koros, Sven Hedin, Fosco Maraini, Younghusband, Kingdom Ward, describe Tibet in superlatives, just as do travelers of today.
Central Tibet
The true heartland of the Vajrayana Dharma, Central Tibet is home to many of the nation’s most instantly recognizable landmarks. Closed to outsiders ............more
Eastern Tibet
The eastern Tibetan provinces of Kham and Amdo are quite distinct geographically from the rest of Tibet, with verdant forests, sweeping pasturelands and ...............more
Western Tibet
When one dreams of Western Tibet, it is the grandeur of the towering Himalayan giants that immediately enter the imagination. Straddling the border ............more

Tibet's great spiritual leader - Tsongkapa

Monks at buddhist festival

Tibetan pilgrim |